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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Ust-Lensky"
Address: 678400 Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Bulunsky ulus, pos.
Tixi, Akademika Fedorova st., 28.
Zapovednik Ust-Lensky, on the north of the Republic Sakha, was established in 1986. Its
area is 1433,0 thousand ha. It is located in the Lena Delta.
The Zapovednik comprises two sites: Deltovy, in the central part of the delta (1300
thousand ha) and Sokol, northwest of the Primorsky Kryazh and Kharaulakhsky Mountain Range
(133 thousand ha).
Almost half of the Zapovednik area is covered by lakes, channels and bays.
Terrestrial communities are those of herb, herb/shrub, lichen green moss and green moss
tundra and tundra-bogs. Along the shores thickets of elfin willows are widespread.
The flora comprises 400 vascular plant species, including 20 rare (Androsace
gorodkovii, Corydalis gorodkovi, Saxifraga lactea).
There are 30 mammal species, including reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), bighorn sheep,
polar fox, black-capped marmot. In 1997 musk ox were introduced into area of Zapovednik.
There are 70 avian species, including Bevick's swan and Ross' gull, species listed in
the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation.
Fish fauna is rich, including the inconnu, muksun, broad whitefish, shallow-water
Cisco, sturgeon, ciscoes, pelyad, etc.
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