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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Tsentralno-Sibirsky"
Address: 663196 Krasnoyarsky Krai, Turukhansky r-n., pos. Bor,
Gribnaya st., 1.
Zapovednik Tsentralno-Sibirsky, in the centre of Krasnoyarsky krai, was founded in
1985. Its area is 972,0 thousand ha. The Zapovednik is situated in the middle reaches of
the Yenisei, north of the mouth of the river Podkamennaya Tungnska, in the eastern part of
the Western-Siberian Valley and on the western slope of Mid-Siberian Plateau.

The Zapovednik includes valleys with low hills and on the East a small flit-topped
mountain with a height of 600 m above sea level. In the plant cover middle-taiga dark
coniferous forests are the most substantially present. On the left bank of the Yenisei are
spread cedar grass-green moss and grass-bog moss woods; on the right bank are cedar green
moss and polytrich forests. Near the mouth of the Yenisei tall grass spruce-fir forests
and bogs are located. In the eastern part, in the basin of the river Stolbovaya, height
belts are visible in the plant distribution. In the lowest belt larch forests prevail;
higher these become dark coniferous taiga and cedar-spruce and fir lichen light forests.
On heights of 500-600 m areas of mountain tundra and alpine meadows are met. Significant
areas are occupied by secondary birch forests and aspen forests in places that have
experienced a forest fire. Flora accounts for about 650 vascular plant species.

Fauna is diverse. Mammal species are about 50 in number: sable, common weasel, alpine
hare are numerous; elk, musk deer, brown beat are common; reindeer, wolf, skunk bear are
met occasionally.
Bird species are about 250 in number. Several sorts of duck nest in the river' s mouth;
as sometimes do whooper swan and bean goose. Of rare birds white-tailed eagle, golden
eagle, fish hawk, peregrine falcon, and black stork are met.
In the Yenisei River sterlet, Siberian sturgeon, inconnu, shallow-water cisco, taimen,
and grayling live.

There are geological feature monuments: stone near the mouth of the river Stolbovaya,
and rock layers with imprints of ancient plants and animals in the basin of the river
Kulinna, a tributary of the Stolbovaya.
The Zapovednik has biosphere status. Eloguysky federal ecological-ethnographic nature
zakaznik is under the control of the Zapovednik. The zakaznik was founded in 1987 on an
area of 747,6 thousand ha.
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