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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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National Park "Chavash Varmane"
Address: 429170 Chuvashskaya Republic, s.Shemursha, Kosmovskogo
st., 31.
National Park Chavash Varmane is situated in the Shemurshinsky District of the Republic
of Chuvashia. The Park was founded in 1993, its area is 25,2 thousand ha.
It is situated on the north of the Privolzhskaya highland; average absolute height is
120-160 m above sea level, and maximum height is 270 m. The territory comprises the basin
of the river Bezdna (a tributary of the Sura) and part of the basin of the river Karla.
There are more than 20 lakes, mostly found in the rivers’ inundation zones. Sandy ridges
and dunes 5-10 m high have an oval form stretched from North-West to South-East. On the
east of the Park eroded ravine-gully relief is developed.
The natural systems of pine and coniferous-broad-leaved forests of the Privolzhskaya
Highland are protected. The forest covered area makes up more than 90% of the Parks
territory. In this pine forests prevail (10,2 thousand ha); sites of old virgin forests of
pine, spruce, oak, lime, elm, ash are met in some areas. Of rare plants in the Red Data
Book of Russian Federation yellow lady's slipper and Cephalanthera rubra are noted.
The core of the fauna is formed of European fauna species associated with broad-leaved
and coniferous-broad-leaved forests. Rare insect fauna is diverse; of which many species
are in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (notably apollo).
Historical and cultural monuments are numerous: in particular ancient graves, including
graves of 2 thousand BC and later, graves with Arabian pictures, and early-Bulgarian
settlements (the Tigashevskoye Bulgarian town remains). There are also paleonthological
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