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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Vitimsky"
Address: 666910 Irkutskaya obl., Bodaybo, Irkutskaya St., 4 A.
Zapovednik Vitimsky, in the eastern part of Irkutskaya Region, was founded in 1982, its
area is 585,0 thousand ha. It is located in the Kodar Mountain Massif in the basin of the
river Amalyk, one of the Vitim' s tributaries. This last borders the Zapovednik on the

The relief is middle-mountain with clearly marked height belts in the plant cover. In
the lowest belt larch forests (63% of forested area) are spread, with spruce, pine, and
cedar. Higher these give way to elfin cedar thickets and mountain lichen tundras. There
are alpine and alpestrine meadow sites.

In the lake District a high concentration of rare and endemic plant species is noted.
Fauna is made up of 46 mammal species and 200 bird species, 140 of which nest.

Living permanently in the Park are wild reindeer, roebuck, elk, bighorn sheep, sable,
brown bear, wood grouse, chukar and rype. In the wetlands there live taimen, lenok,
grayling, cisco, trout, char, etc.
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