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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Galichya Gora"
Address: 399240, Lipetskaya obl., Zadonsky r-n, p/o Donskoye.

Zapovednik Galichya Gora, in the Lipetsk Region, was established in 1925. Its
present-day boundaries have been in existence since 1969. The Zapovednik consists of six
sites with a total area of 231 ha (Galichya Gora, Morozova Gora, Bykova Sheya, Plyuschan,
Voronov Kamen, Vorgolskoye.

The Zapovednik is located in the Middle-Russia highland in the Don basin, mostly on the
steep slopes of the Don River basin.
The plant communities are very patchy. Upland oak forests, linden forests, birch
forests and pine forests occur in the neighborhood of the communities of stony steppe,
cliff vegetation on limestone outcrops, forbs-meadows, feather grass-forbs, and sedge
steppes. On some slopes, the vegetation is distributed in a vertical pattern. Woodlands
account for 114 ha; meadow and steppe plants 110 ha; water bodies 7 ha.

The flora comprises 1025 species, including many rare, relict and endemic plants:
skullcap, cinquefoil, maidenhair spleenwort, Schivereckia podolica, Ephedra, etc.
The wildlife is not rich, which is explained by the small area reserved and substantial
modification of the adjacent areas. The fox, badger, European hare are common. The wild
boar, moose occasionally appear. The spotted souslik and shrews are among the dwellers.
Steppe and forest birds are numerous (more than 200 species). The raptor birds — black
kite, kestrel, pale harrier, buzzard are to be found.

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