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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Dalnevostochny Morskoy"
Address: 690041 Vladivostok, Palchevskogo st., 17.
Zapovednik Dalnevostochny Morskoy, at the southern border of P rumor sky Krai, was
founded in 1973. Its area is 64,3 thousand ha.
The Zapovednik is situated on the coast and in the waters of the western part of the
gulf of Peter the Great, in the Japanese sea. It includes three Districts of sea and 12
islands. The shores are mountainous with gulfs and bays, and also in some areas lowland
with lagoons and islands.

In the distribution of sea plants and coastal animals vertical zones exist with a
supra-littoral with communities of algae and animals thrown out by the sea, a littoral and
a sublittoral. On the island coasts Carex kobomugi, Glehnia and forbs grow. On the slopes
and flat tops of the islands broad-leaved forests formed of Tilia amurensis, maple, and
hornbeam are spread. Light oak forests and thickets of brier are met. These forests are
low, often with a bush form of the trees, with plenty of lianas and other bushes. On
slanting slopes groups of tall grass grow.

Communities formed of rare plants (nodding lily, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Japanese
yew, Pinus funebris, etc.) or with some population of these plants are met in some places.
Flora makes up more than 550 vascular plant species in total.
About 2000 invertebrate animal species are noted. On the littoral gastropods, clams and
bristled worms are numerous. On the bottom crab, hermit crabs, and sea stars live. On the
upper sublittoral among the boulders mussel are met, on the subaqueous rocks young king
crabs gather.
Fishes account for more than 100 species including goby, halibut, etc. Commercial
species come to the territory sometimes (mackerel, ivasi), and also some exotic species
(bonnethead, sofia).

More than 300 birds species are noted including about 80 which nest. Of rare and
disappearing birds peregrine falcon, Steller's sea eagle, erne, golden eagle (registered
in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation) are met, during migration Eurynorhynchus
pygmeus (in the Red Data Boot of the Russian Federation) are net; Egretta eulophotes (in
the Red Data Books of the Russian Federations and of the IUCH) are met.
Of sea mammals sometimes cetaceans swim in — like lesser finback and North Pacific
giant whale. On the islands mice (Asiatic wood and meadow) and Microtis fortis are met;
and of predators raccoon dog and Siberian weasel.

According to the regulations the Zapovednik has three zones.
1. Eastern protected along the coast line from Cape Lva to Bay Telyakovskogo and around
the islands of Rimsky-Korsakov, including the island of Stenin;
2. Zone of marine culture development (zakaznik’s regime) — on the coastal line
from the Cape Ostreno to the Hill Golubiny Utes with the islands Very and Falshivy, bays
Sivuchya, Kolevala, Pemzovaya, and also in the District of the Island Furugelma;
3. Educational zone (nature Park regime) — on the Island of Popov and small site on
the island Likander.
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