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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Rostovsky"
Address: 347510 Rostovskaya obl., pos. Orlovsky, Chapaevsky, 102.
Zapovednik Rostovsky, in the Orlovsky and Remontnentsky Districts of Rostovskaya
Region, was founded in 1995. Its area is 9,5 thousand ha.
It is situated in Primanychie; it consists of 4 sites, in a chain from West to East
each separated by 5-25 km. Soddy-gramineous and sagebrush-soddy-gramineous steppes are
spread; sites of virgin steppe remain.

Rare plant species in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation grow: Stipa
zalesskii, Tulipa schrenkii, Colchicum laetum, etc.
There live in the area Mustela eversmanni, corsac fox, and wolf; saiga antelope and elk
come in on occasion.

Ornithofauna consists mostly of nesting waterfowl. Rare bird species added to the Red
Data Book of the Russian Federation are met during their migration: the red-breasted
goose, Dalmatian pelican and European white pelican, laughing owl in particular; bustard
and little bustard are also sometimes noted.

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