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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Dagestansky"
Address: 367010 Republic Dagestan, Makhachkala, Gagarin St., 120.
Zapovednik Dagestansky, in the north-eastern part of the Republic of Dagestan, was
founded in 1987. Its urea is 19,1 thousand ha.
The Zapovednik consists of two parts: Kizlyarsky (18,5 thousand ha including a sea zone
of 9,3 thousand ha) and Sarykumsky. The location is on the Northern-Western coast of the
Caspian Sea.

The coastal area of the Kizlyarsky gulf is a lowland valley with many firths. For the
gulf waters substantial water plant cover is characteristic, with thick underwater
meadows. Further from the coast plant communities change from coastal meadow-bog and
meadow-salt-marsh to semi-desert and desert. On shore sands specific plant groups of
steppe species are developed.

In flora rare species are noted, for instance Cladium mariscus and caltrop. The unique
natural formation of hill Sarykum (262 m above the sea level) has a eol-accumulative
origin. At its foot numerous springs are situated where poplar, Eleaeagnus, robinia, reed,
beggar-ticks, etc. can be found. Of rare plants Iris acutiloba is met.

In the reed thickets of the Kizlyarsky gulf there are to be seen wild boar, raccoon
dog, jungle cat, music beaver, and swamp beaver. In the steppe European hare, fox, corsac
fox, wolf, Mustela everstmani are common, and saiga antelope occasionally come in. During
migration 107 waterfowl species are noted. Coot, mute swan, Anas acuta winter here. With
its location on the western Caspian migration route many rare species put in the Red Data
Book of Russian Federation are registered: flamingo, Dalmatin and European white pelicans,
little bustard, bustard, etc. On the hill Sarykum eared hedgehog, hairу-footed jerboa,
and fox are found; of reptile species wood snakes, sand boa live in the Zapovednik in some
places. Vipera libetina and Stellio caucasica are found; and of birds black vulture,
kestrel , etc. In the gulf sturgeon species live.
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