
Physical Geography
  Tectonics and Geology
  Climatic Change
  Climate at Present and in the Past
  Rivers, Lakes, Seas and Wetlands

Biomes & Regions
  Arctic Environments
  Boreal Forests
  Mixed and Deciduous Forests
  Steppe and Forest-steppe
  Arid Environments
  The Mountains of Northern Russia
  The Mountains of Southern Siberia
  The Caucasus
  The Mountains of Central Asia
  Lake Baikal
  The Far East

Environmental Problems
  Radioactive Contamination
  Oil and Gas Development
  Air Pollution
  The Aral Sea Problems
  Deforestation and Degradation of Forests
  Nature Protection and Conservation

Images of Russian Nature
  Geographic Index
  Systematic Index
  Alphabetical Index

Nature Reserves and
National Parks:

  Northern Russia   Central Russia   Povolzhye (Volga river basin)   Southern Russia   Ural Mountains   Western Siberia   Eastern Siberia   Far East

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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks

<<< Index and Map | Northern Russia | Zapovednik "Darvinsky" >>>

Northern Russia

The list of Northern Russia Zapovedniks (Nature Reserves) and National Parks:

This peculiar region comprises the polar archipelagoes and islands (The Franz Joseph Land, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaigach and other islands), a fairly wide zone of plain and mountain tundras, and vast spaces of European taiga-from its northernmost types (including forest tundra) to the southern, which are replaced by mixed forests.

The western part of the region on the Kola Peninsula and Karelia is characterized by hilly undulating relief, small turbulent rivers and a plenty of diverse lakes. Quite different are the plain landscapes of the Arkhangelsk Region and Komi Autonomous Republic, where big rivers flow among boundless coniferous forests and oligotrophic moors (Pechora, Меzen, Northern Dvina) with their large tributaries, although there are also small uplands there — the Timanskii chain of hills and the spurs of North Ural.

Thanks to the Atlantic Gulf Stream current, the warmest Russian polar seas — Barents and White — affect not only the climate but also the tundra vegetation, which is distinguished by diversity and a number of thermophi1iс forms.

Another important natural factor there are the consequences of the ancient glaciation, which determines the closeness of the bedrocks to the earth surface and also an unusual abundance of cliffs, boulders, big stones, either naked or hardly covered with a layer of moss, lichens or open woodland. The natural features include the lakes that are the largest in Europe — Lake Ladoga (17,7 thousand sq. km.), and Lake Onega (9-7 thousand sq. km.) and also the more southerly water bodies (lakes Chudskoe, Ilmen, Beloe, Kubenskoe and Rybinskoe Reservoir, etc.).

The European dark coniferous taiga is the kingdom of somber spruce forests with the Siberian spruce, the birch, aspen and willows present ubiquitously. The pine forests are common throughout the entire European North, but in many areas they have been cut out heavily to be replaced by various derivative stands. In the southern part of the Region, in addition to coniferous species, there are broad-leaved, including the oak, linden, and maples, to create some complex and peculiar combinations. The most characteristic there are mixed small-leaved forests.

In the east, closer to the Ural, forest species include Siberian larch, which lends the taiga a peculiar outlook. The most typical dwellers of north-European forests are such common species as the moose, brown bear, wolf, fox, marten, weasel, badger, squirrel, and the blue hare.

Characteristic among the birds are the capercaillie, black grouse, various woodpeckers, and also tits, Corvidae, and various Passeriformes. On the tundra, grouses and waders are numerous, and on the seashore and on the islands, bird colonies are common — the breeding grounds of eiders, gulls, black guillemots. Special attention has been given to the common eider, whose down is very valuable. Numerous northern birds – waterfowls, Galliformes, waders — are constant objects of sporting and commercial hunt.

The European North Region accounts for 2 million sq. km. (including the Arctic). Its population is about 12 million people. Situated there is Saint-Petersburg — the "second capital" of the Russian Federation, the biggest city and industrial center, and also such important northern ports as Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, the ancient cities of Pskov, Novgorod and Vologda.

The Region abounds of famous monuments of history and culture (Solovki, Valaam, Kizhi, Pushkin Svyatogorye, Kirillo-Belozerski Monastery) and many others.

Situated there are numerous mining projects, integrated iron-and-steel works, atomic nuclear stations, military, rocket and nuclear testing grounds.

The list of Northern Russia Zapovedniks (Nature Reserves) and National Parks:


<<< Index and Map | Northern Russia | Zapovednik "Darvinsky" >>>



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