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Russian Zapovedniks and National Parks
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Zapovednik "Privolzhskaya Lesostep"
Address: 440018 Penza, Pushkina st., 167
Zapovednik Privolzhskaya Lesostep is situated to the north of Penzenskaya Region. The
Zapovednik was founded in 1989, its area is 8,3 thousand ha. It consists of five parts:
the Kuncherovskaya steppe, Poperechenskaya steppe, Ostrovtsovskaya steppe, "Istoki
Sury", and "Borok").

The Zapovednik is located on the south-east of the Privolzhskaya highland on the main
watershed between the Volga and Don basins. In the plant cover steppe communities and pine
forests are represented. The steppe has characteristic watershed virgin meadow steppe
sites, on the northern border of their habitat. Formations of Stipa tirsa and Stipa
pennata prevail, and there are as well other formations of Stipa dasyphylla and
Helictotrichon desertorum, and thickets of bushes — Chamaecytisus ruthenicus, Russian
almond, Cerasus fruticosa, and sloe. Forests, occupying small areas (mainly on the
Kuncherovskaya steppe) are formed of Tatar maple, common buckhorn, bird cherry, and some
Euonymus verrucosa.

At the sources of the Sura pine trees of different ages grow. Along the river Sura old
pine stands remain.
The part of the Park called "Borok" is a complete small forest block on the
left bank of the river Kadada. In the forest the flora has typical taiga elements (such as
common juniper, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, and cowberry), located here on the southern
border of their range.
Flora accounts for about 1000 species of vascular plants.
Fauna consists of forest and steppe elements; the latter find here the northern border
of their dispersal (species like the bustard, little bustard, crested lark, Isabelline
wheatear; mammals like the bobak marmot; great jerboa, and dwarf hamster). There are also
in the Park elk, wild boar, marten, and squirrel. There are beavers' villages, and wood
grouser black grouse, hazel grouse are met.
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