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Biomes and Regions of Northern Eurasia
The Mountains of Southern Siberia
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The Sayan Mountains
The Sayan mountains are a system of deeply eroded ridges with an average altitude of
1000-2000 m and its highest summit, the Munku-Sardyk, reaches 3492 m. The Sayans occupy an
area of about 455 000 km2 and are split into two segments: the Western Sayan
with ridges extending from the south-west to the north-east, and the Eastern Sayan with
ridges with a south-eastern strike (Figure 14.6).
Fig. 14.6 Orographic scheme of the Sayans and annual temperature and
precipitation distribution in several regions
The main watershed of the Western Sayan is formed by the Abakan Ridge and the Alash
plateau, whose heights exceed 3100 m at the junction with the Altay. Eastwards, the
mountains become lower and the easternmost ridges are 2300-2500 high. The northern part of
the Western Sayan is formed by low and medium flat-topped ridges separated by mature river
valleys. Similar to the Altay, typical of the southern part are elevated plateaux from
which isolated peaks emerge, reaching a height of 2500-2800 m. In the south, the Western
Sayan is bordered by a system of depressions of the Central Tuva basin; in the north it is
limited by the Minusinsk depression. Characteristic of the Eastern Sayan is a
well-expressed altitudinal zonality in relief. The uppermost zone, represented by alpine
forms, coincides with the axial Great Sayan (Pogranichny), Kryzhin, and Udinsky Ridges.
Their average heights vary between 2000 and 3100 m, increasing eastwards and individual
peaks exceed 3400 m. The ridges located northwards — the Mansky, Shindinsky, Kansky, and
Idarsky belogorye — have a typical intermediate (1600-2400 m) montane landscape with
extensive flat watersheds dissected by river valleys reaching 700 m in depth. The low
mountains and the foothills, surrounding the Eastern Sayan from the west, north, and east,
have mature eroded landscapes with well-developed river valleys of about 400 m depth and
multiple alluvial terraces. In the south, the mountains dip to the Oka basin, a 2500-2600
m high plateau with degraded mountains and canyon-like river valleys.
The Quaternary Environmental History
Similar to the Altay, the Sayans were repeatedly glaciated in the Quaternary. The
establishment of a detailed stratigraphic scheme and reconstruction of the Pleistocene
history in the mountains remain difficult even using modern dating methods and the number
of glaciations, their status, and maxima are still debated especially with respect to the
earlier events. The earliest studies by Yakovlev, Grane, and Obruchev distinguished two
glacials. In the 1920s — 1930s, Kuzmin, Lvov, Molchanov, and Tyumentsev applied the
Alpine scheme to the Quaternary history of the Sayans. Later, Efimtsev (1961b), Dubinkin
(1961), Lamakin (1961), and Devyatkin (1965) suggested that the intense climatic cooling
of the early Pleistocene did not lead to the development of glaciation and that the late
Pleistocene glaciation was limited to alpine regions and its extent was similar to that of
the middle Pleistocene. Others (Dumitrashko and Olyunin, 1959; Shorygina, 1961; Shukina,
1960; Aleksandrova, 1961; Lundersgauzen and Rakovets, 1961; Rakovets and Schmidt, 1963)
supported the occurrence of the early Pleistocene glaciation while Grosswald (1965),
Bogachkin (1967), Borisov and Minina (1980) maintained that the widespread occurrence of
the early Pleistocene deposits across the Altay-Sayan region points to a vast ice cover.
In their view, the alpine-valley glaciers of the middle Pleistocene age were much more
extensive than those of the late Pleistocene. The scheme discussed in this chapter
presents the most widely accepted views.
The alluvial sediments, dated reliably to the Eoplei-stocene, are found in the
Tannu-Ola mountains, Todzhinsk depression, and the Academician Obruchev and Sangilen
Ridges. The deposits are 10-35 m thick and contain pollen of the forest-steppe species
similar to those found in the Bekensk suite in the Mountainous Altay and dated to 910 ±
100,1082 ± 128,1200 ±100, and about 1500 Ka BP (Stratigrafiya SSSR, 1984). The beginning
of the Pleistocene was marked by the accumulation of alluvium containing iron-rich
boulders and pebbles in river terraces uplifted to 40,120, and 200 m. Traces of the two
early Pleistocene glacials have been uncovered in the central part of the Eastern Sayan.
Petrographic composition of the till, which has a high proportion of tuff, shows that
during the first (termed the Shivit) glacial sources and centres of boulder dispersion
were the Shivit and Derbi-Taiga volcanoes in eastern Tuva. The orientation and shape of
the boulders suggest that volcanic eruptions occurred beneath the ice. The age of the till
is determined from its position between the 600-700 m thick layer of the Eopleistocene
sediments and a layer of middle Pleistocene sediments. The analogous Katun till in the
Altay has been reliably dated by thermoluminescence to 476 ± 51 Ka BP (Stratigrafiya
SSSR, 1984). Grosswald (1965), the main proponent of large-scale glaciations in the Sayans
and elsewhere, suggested that the Shivit glacial was of the Icelandic type, whereby
extensive ice caps developed across the region without building a single ice dome. The
till, attributed to the second (the Sorug) early Pleistocene glacial, is found in the
Todzhinsk depression. The sediments, which are about 7-8 m thick, contain pollen of Pinus
sylvestris, Betula, Picea, and Abies. These are underlain by the interstadial alluvial
deposits composed mainly of pebbles and sand. The alluvium contains pollen of more
heat-demanding plants such as Pinus sibirica and some broad-leaved deciduous species
(Stratigrafiya SSSR, 1984).
Deposits, representative of the interglacial separating the early Pleistocene and the
middle Pleistocene glaciations, have been uncovered in the 90-120 m high river terraces in
the Eastern Sayan, the Todzhinsk depression, and the Academician Obruchev and Sangilen
Ridges. These contain alluvial sediments and material of volcanic origin.
The middle Pleistocene deposits are represented by two stratigraphically discrete tills
testifying to two stages of the glacial. In the Western Sayan, the till attributed to the
earlier (the Alash) glacial is mainly of erratic boulder composition (Shorygina, 1961). In
the Eastern Sayan, where the earliest middle Pleistocine glacial stage is termed the
Ulugkhem, the 15-20 thick till containing boulders and pebbles occurs on both banks of the
Great Yenisey and the Little Yenisey, extending from the modern river channels for a
distance of 250 km. The extent of the deposits can be traced by distinctive ridges and
hummocky forms. Sandy deposits, originated in proglacial lakes, occur widely in the river
valleys and are believed to be of the same age of 260-190 Ka BP (Stratigrafiya SSSR,
1984), correlating with the Samara glacial of Western Siberia (Table 2.1). The second stage of the middle Pleistocene glaciation,
termed the Tolaitin in the Western Sayan and the Kakhem in the Eastern Sayan, is
represented by till and alluvial deposits found in the in-land river deltas and river
terraces. The position of marginal formations, attributed to the Ulugkhem stage, allowed
Grosswald (1965), Borisov and Milyaeva (1973), and Borisov and Minina (1973) to suggest
that the ice extended over much larger areas than during the Kakhem stage. Deposits,
attributed to the interstadial separating the two stages of the middle Pleistocene
glaciation, are represented by lacustrine and alluvial fan sandy and clay deposits, found
in the Western Sayan, containing pollen of forest-steppe plants (Matveeva, 1960;
Stratigrafiya SSSR, 1984).
Evidence for the late Pleistocene glaciations is well preserved across the region.
Although earlier Eflmtsev (1961b), Grosswald (1965) and Olyunin (1965) argued that the
Sayans were glaciated once during the late Pleistocene, a two-stage model has been adopted
(Devyatkin, 1965; Okishev, 1982; Stratigrafiya SSSR, 1984). The first late Pleistocene
glaciation, termed the Karakhol in the Western Sayan and the Azass in the Eastern Sayan,
was far greater in extent than the following one and reached its maximum between 58 and 32
Ka BP, thus correlating with the Zyryanka glacial in Siberia. Moraines, deposited by the
Karakhol glaciation, contain large blocks of transported material and attain a thickness
of 100 m (Stratigraflya SSSR, 1984).
The Azass till, containing pebbles, boulders, and large blocks of rock, covers
extensive areas in the basins of the Kazyr and Kizir rivers. The Azass glaciers were of
various types and had particularly large dimensions in the eastern part of the southern
slope of the Yergik — Targok — Taiga Ridge, on the western macroslope of the Eastern
Sayan, in the central and eastern Todzhinsk depression and the eastern part of the
Academician Obruchev Ridge. The ice, which built up in the Yergik-Targok-Taiga, was linked
to the valley glaciers of the Kazyr-Kizir basin and to the reticulated ice of the eastern
and north-eastern macroslopes of the Great Sayan. In total, the ice covered over 30 000 km2
making this particular region the most heavily glaciated one in the Sayans. Apart from
large dimensions, its distinguishing feature was the development of almost all types of
glaciers including piedmont, plateau, and mountain-valley, as well as large ice reservoirs
formed by confluent ice (Grosswald, 1965; Borisov andMilyaeva, 1973; Borisov and Minina,
A variety of morphologically distinctive features was left by the second late
Pleistocene glacial, termed the Chulchin in the Western Sayan and the Bashkhem in the
Eastern Sayan. The ice reached its maximum extent about 13-14 Ka BP, which correlates with
the Sartan glaciation in Siberia. The Chulchin moraines, attaining 10-30 m in height, are
well preserved in the Central and Kantegir-Borus Ridges and at the junction of the
Shapshal, Central, and Saldzhur Ridges, where fresh glacial cirques are ubiquitous.
Glacially derived erratic material is well preserved on the Alash plateau which has
numerous glacial troughs containing lakes.
Stratigraphic and lithological evidence for the Bashkhem glaciation is extensive in the
north-west of the Eastern Sayan. In this region, the ice covered about 15 000 km2
and complex branching glaciers, occupying modern valleys of the Kazyr and Kizir rivers,
reached 200 km in length, descending westwards to a height of 450 m (Grosswald, 1965). In
the central and eastern Eastern Sayan, the glaciated area attained about 10 000 km2
(Olyunin, 1965). Although this glaciation is often described as reticulated, glacial
conditions were especially diverse in this region in response to the high spatial
variability of precipitation. The largest centre of ice dispersion was the Great Sayan
Ridge, from which large valley glaciers spread westwards and eastwards. In the south, the
ice flowing from the Great Sayan Ridge and the Munku-Sardyk massif formed plateau and
piedmont glaciers. Further east, large valley glaciers developed in the Kitoy and Tunkin
mountains with a piedmont glacier developing at their northern foot. North of the Kitoy
mountains, large glaciers developed on the northern and north-eastern slopes of the
Peredovoy chain (formed by the Shili, Yerminsky, and other ridges) while the inner parts
of the mountains remained largely free of ice. There is uncertainty about the position of
the snow line during the last glacial due to the use of different methods of estimation
and also the continuing uplift of the area. Maksimov (1973) estimated the snow line
depression in the Munku-Sardyk massif during the glacial maximum as 980 m, while other
studies show that the snow line was positioned 500-600 m below the modern one (Grosswald,
1965; Eflmtsev, 196la, b; Olyunin, 1965). The use of cirque floor altitude is widely used
to identify the position of the ancient snow line. However, the use of this technique is
limited to the slopes of northern, eastern, and north-eastern aspects where more than 80
per cent of all the cirques occur between 1600 and 2800 m. The times of steady snow line
coincided with the periods of glacial stability and, therefore, terminal moraines may be a
more useful source of information. While uncertainties exist about the depression of the
snow line, it is agreed that it attained its lowest position in the Peredovoy chain,
rising westward and north-westward and reaching its maximum height in the central part of
the Belsky Ridge.
The transition between the glacial maximum and the beginning of the Holocene was marked
by minor stadials and interstadials, and glacier fluctuations continued in the Holocene.
The nature, number, and regional correlation of glacier oscillations are debated. Thus,
Ivanovsky (1976, 1981) points out that the number and position of marginal formations
differ between individual ridges and even between individual valleys in the same ridge,
showing that glacier fluctuations were not concurrent across the Sayans. By contrast,
Shnitnikov (1957) and Maksimov (1972) believe that glacier fluctuations were a
manifestation of a 1850-year climatic cycle and occur simultaneously across the region.
Having analysed the position of cirques in the Eastern Sayan, Gudilin et al. (1952)
distinguish three or four stages of ice retreat. Maksimov (1965a, b, 1972, 1973) argues
that ice retreat occurred in eight phases, the evidence for which is preserved in the most
elevated regions where the most recent fluctuations occurred while lower and middle
mountains had been deglaciated. More recent studies of terminal moraines and the positions
of glacial lakes, conducted in the south-eastern part of the Eastern Sayan and in the
adjacent Khamar-Daban mountains, have shown that in most regions there were four to six
stages of ice retreat (Budaev and Nemchinov, 1986; Larin, 1989a, 1993; Nemchinov et al,
1998). Marked differences appear in the position and structure of marginal formations at
different stages of deglaciation. While moraines of the earlier stages are positioned at
similar altitudes and are well-preserved across the region, pointing to the
contemporaneous ice retreat, the location of moraines of the more recent stages reveals
the increasing role of local factors (Larin, 1993).
The knowledge of nonglacial Holocene environments in the Sayans is still fragmented and
most data refer to the foothills and the Minusinsk, Tuva, and Tunkin depressions (Orlova,
1980; Belova, 1985; Savina, 1986; Larin, 1989a; Mikhailov et al., 1992). Evidence for
climatic change is provided by pollen analysis and variations in the altitudinal position
of the tree line. The largest upward migration of the tree line occurred during the
Atlantic when small-leaved deciduous forests and steppe communities spread in the
foothills and lower mountains. In the middle mountains, occupied by coniferous forests,
the climate was milder and more humid than at present and moisture-loving Abies sibirica
was a dominating species (Larin and Chernova, 1992). A change towards drier and colder
environments took place in the Subboreal. During this period, steppe plants became rare
while shrublands of Betula rotundifolia expanded and Pinus sibirica became the main tree
species. The decline of Abies sibirica continued through the Subatlantic in response to
increasing aridity.
Climatic fluctuations continued during historic times. Young moraines, attributed to a
glacial advance between 1540 and 1640, point to a deterioration of climate in the Sayans
(Ivanovsky and Panychev, 1978; Mikhailov, 1987). Similar to the Altay, short-term glacial
advances occurred repeatedly between the middle of the 18th and the beginning of the 20th
century (Maksimov, 1965a, b; Larin, 1989b). Further support for colder climates has been
provided by analysis of tree rings, which has revealed a slower growth of larch in the
Munku-Sardyk massif and the Okinsk plateau between the end of the 17th century and the
1730s (with a minimum in 1722) and between the 1760s and the 1930s (with a minimum during
the 1830s-1840s) in response to general climatic cooling enhanced locally by advancing
glaciers. Precipitation varied too. Thus, the regression of lakes in the Mondinsk
depression points to dry conditions during the first half of the 16th century and during
the last 200-225 years (Larin, 1988).
Contemporary Climate, Glaciation, and Permafrost
The Sayans have a strongly continental climate with a short but warm summer and severe
winter forced by the Siberian anticyclone. In the foothills and intermontane depressions,
the mean June and July temperatures are about 16-18°C (Figure 14.6) and on individual
days air temperature can exceed 30°C. In winter, the temperature declines landwards from
about -16°C in the northern Western Sayan to -22°C to -29°C in the south-east. The
intermontane depressions have especially cold winter climates. Thus, in the Tuva
depression, the mean January temperature is about -34°C and the absolute minimum of
-58°C has been registered in the Usinsk depression. Under the conditions of strong
radiative cooling, persistent temperature inversions are common with typical vertical
temperature gradients of 3-4°C per 100 m. The spatial distribution of precipitation is
extremely complex and strong contrasts between mountains and intermontane depressions and
slopes of different orientation are typical. In general, the northern slopes of the
Western Sayan and the western slopes of the Eastern Sayan benefit most from moisture
brought by the westerly flow. The foothills, medium (1000-2000 m), and high mountains
receive 400-500, 700-800, and 1000-1800 mm a-1, respectively (Mikhailov, 1961).
The eastern and south-eastern regions of the Eastern Sayan (the Okinsk, Nukhu-Daban, and
especially the Alash plateaux), as well as the intermontane depressions located in the
rain shadow (particularly, the Usinsk and Mondinsk) are exceedingly dry, with respective
annual totals of 200-550 and 230-300 mm a-1. Summer rainfall predominates
across the region. The Siberian anticyclone, centred just south of the Tuva depression,
creates an extreme precipitation deficiency in winter, especially in the Eastern Sayan
where winter totals account for as little as 1-5 per cent of the annual norm. The duration
of snow cover varies between 150 and 260 days as a function of altitude. Snow depth
changes from 40-50 cm in the north to 20-30 cm in the southern low mountains, reaching
about 1.6 m in the middle of the northern macroslope of the Western Sayan and 1.5-3 m in
the high mountains in the Eastern Sayan. East-facing slopes usually have a thinner snow
Avalanches are among the major natural hazards in the Sayans, being particularly common
on the elevated and dissected peneplains (Alekseev, 1973; Kravtsova et al., 1979;
Revyakin, 1981). A characteristic feature of the Sayan avalanches is that they usually do
not follow any specific snow-slide tracks because snow does not accumulate in specific
catchments. Instead, large masses of snow slide from entire slopes (Volodicheva and
Pashkov, 1987). The frequency of avalanches varies according to the variability in winter
The dry climate of the Sayans does not favour the development of glaciation and this is
much less than in the Altay. Glaciers are confined to high mountains exposed to the
westerly flow. The altitude of glacial termini rises south-eastwards from 1900 m in the
north (the Kyzyr and Kan basins) through 2250 m in the central Eastern Sayan to 2850 in
the south and 3050 m in the south-east (the Munku-Sardyk). Similarly, the snow line rises
from 2100-2300 m in the Kizir-Kazyr Ridge through to 2450-2700 in the Great Sayan range to
2940 in the Munku-Sardyk mountains. Although it is western and northern slopes that
receive maximum precipitation, snow is redistributed by wind and glaciers develop mainly
on the northern and sheltered northeastern slopes where summer melting is delayed. There
are 159 glaciers in the Sayans, including 52 with a combined area of 2.3 km2 in
the Western Sayan and 107 covering 31.8 km2 in the Eastern Sayan (Arefiev and
Mukhametov, 1996). Despite the small size of glaciers, different types are represented.
Cirque glaciers dominate, accounting for about 60 per cent of the total number and area.
Permafrost occupies about 50 per cent of the total area of the Western Sayan and almost
the whole of the Eastern Sayan except for its westernmost part. In the Western Sayan,
continuous and discontinuous permafrost develops in central regions while island
permafrost occurs along the southern and northern peripheries. In the Eastern Sayan, the
continuity and depth of permafrost increase landwards. In high mountains, on elevated
peneplains and watersheds, permafrost is continuous, while in the middle mountains it is
discontinuous and in the foothills it occurs as islands (Rozenberg, 1989; Rozenberg and
Bardina, 1989). Observations in the Kitoy Ridge have shown that on slopes between 2140 and
2280 m, the depth of permafrost ranges between 150 m and 200 m and reaches 400 m and 430 m
on the southern and northern upper slopes at 2350 m. In the river valleys at 2000 m,
permafrost is about 150 m deep (Solovieva, 1976). Similar observations and estimates have
been obtained for other regions. In general, permafrost reaches its maximum depth on
watersheds and upper slopes where there is a reduced geothermal flux, while its depth is
minimal in river values and along fault zones where the geothermal flux is higher.
However, this relationship is complicated by aspect, persistence of winter temperature
inversions, geology, and ground water conditions (Rozenberg and Bardina, 1989). In
particular, a widespread development of taliks (areas of thawed permafrost) is typical of
those areas where thermal springs, associated either with faults or with karst, emerge.
Under such conditions, permafrost can thaw through its depth as, for example, in the
marginal regions of the Okinsk plateau, where springs with a temperature of 29-34°C
occur, and in the river Bokson valley, where discharges of the karst-related springs reach
300 1 s-1. Due to the insulating effect of water, shallow taliks form under
lakes and rivers and permafrost temperatures are higher in the vicinity of water bodies.
By contrast, permafrost temperatures are minimal under peatlands developing on northern
slopes. These effects are explained above.
Cryogenic and Slope Processes
As elsewhere in cold climates, physical weathering is one of the most important
geomorphological agents in the Sayans. Vast amounts of cryogenic eluvium are produced by
frost erosion. This is particularly intense on southern slopes where temperature cycles
around freezing point are more frequent. About 2.5 kg m-2a-l of debris form on
southern slopes while 2.3, 1.5, and 0.6 kg m-2a-1 form on eastern,
western, and northern slopes (Laperdin and Trzhtsinsky, 1977). Typical of the elevated
plains, lake and river terraces and upper parts of gentle slopes is frost sorting. This
forms rock outcrops of various shapes, while frost wedging creates characteristic
polygonal microrelief. Cracks, separating polygons, are usually about 15 cm wide and 0.5 m
deep and are often filled with ice. However, in many areas these can be larger-scale
features buried under the soil and filled with relict ice. Thus, in the basins of the
rivers Uda, Biryusa, and Gutara the 0.1-0.8 m wide ice wedges occur at a depth of 1.5-2.5
m, extending to a depth of 7-17 m (Osadchy, 1982). Frost heaving is another important
process and frost mounds, which usually reach 2-3 m in diameter and 7-10 m in height, are
widespread near the tree line, in the alpine tundra zone and in swampy river terraces and
small depressions. The development of thermokarst is often associated with ice wedges and
frost mounds.
Solifluction is widely developed on high watersheds and on gentle slopes (under 20°),
particularly where the ground has been transformed by cryogenic weathering and where there
are water-saturated thawing soils. Solifluction produces characteristic forms such as
microterraces, tongue-shaped lobes, and spreads at slope bases. Streams and small rivers
transport this material and often bring about the settling and sliding of the mass and the
formation of mudflows. Typical of the non-glaciated high mountains are block fields and
block streams (termed kurum) formed by frost weathering of exposed rocks. In the Eastern
Sayan, kurums occupy about 7-8 per cent of this altitudinal belt. The thickness of
deposits increases downslope and usually varies between 1.5 m and 5 m. On 40-45° slopes,
kurums move at a rate of 140 cm a-1 in the centre of the field and on the 30°
and 10° slopes at rates of 90 and 30 cm a-1, respectively. At the edge, the
velocity is 5 -6 times lower (Rozenberg and Bardina, 1989; Osadchy, 1984). Textbook forms
of rock glaciers occur in glacial cirques and troughs in the Great Sayan, Tunkin, and
Munku-Sardyk, mainly on the northern slopes. Rock glaciers, developed in cirques, have
concave tongues which become flat at one edge and form cliffs, reaching a height of 30 m,
at the other. In the case of troughs, debris accumulates and replaces the retreated
glaciers. Rock glaciers in the Munku-Sardyk belong to this type. They have a length of
1-1.5 km and their cliffs exceed 100 m. Rock glaciers are composed of coarse debris
supplied by frost weathering, and tills and hollows are often filled by ice (Maksimov,
Icings occur widely in the Sayan mountains, except in their westernmost part, covering
about 1 per cent of their total area (Alekseev, 1989). They develop on the frozen surfaces
of streams and rivers when seepage water freezes. They form extensive ice fields in
valleys and depressions, being of great concern for construction works and maintenance.
The average thickness of icings is about 1 m below an altitude of 1000 m and about 2 m
(though sometimes reaching 11 m) between 1000 m and 2300 m. The area between 1200 m and
1600 m is particularly prone to their formation and in the basins of the Gutara, Uda, and
Irkut, ice fields exceed 800 thousand m2 and contain up to 1760 thousand m3
of water. Icings usually develop between October and April and thaw between April and
August, providing additional supply of water to streams and rivers. Seasonal icings
dominate, but perennial ones also occur.
Rivers and Lakes
The rivers of the Sayan mountains belong to the Angara-Yenisey basin. The Yenisey
itself rises in the Western Sayan and cuts across the entire massif. River courses conform
with the general structure of the mountains and typical is a combination of lengthwise and
lateral valleys. Rapid uplift in the Neogene-Quaternary forced rivers to entrench their
valleys, while selective erosion and numerous dislocations resulted in the formation of
steep cornices and waterfalls. Most of the rivers originate in the high mountains, either
in the nival zone or in the mires on watersheds. In their upper courses, valleys are often
typical glacial troughs; in the medium mountains, the depth of valleys varies and those
coincident with tectonic faults are usually very deep and narrow. The Sayan lakes are
mostly small and shallow. They develop in cirques and glacial troughs or as a result of
moraine damming. There is a clear altitudinal zonality reflecting stages of glacial
retreat. Thus, in the south-eastern part of the Eastern Sayan, most lakes occur between
1800 m and 2570 m and there are 5-8 levels where lakes are most abundant (Larin, 1993).
Despite its continental location, drainage conditions are favourable and even in the
Eastern Sayan, which has a dry climate, the density of the river network varies between
0.5 and 1.0 km per km2 (Laperdin and Trzhtsinsky, 1977). Specific runoff
increases with altitude from 6-10 1 s-1km-2 in the steppe zone to
1-15 1 s-1km-2 in the alpine tundra. The highest values, reaching
30-40 1 -1km-2, occur on the north-western macroslope of the Western Sayan and
in the upper course of the Great Yenisey, which flows in a valley extending from the
north-west to the south-east. The westerly flow is channelled into the valley and
precipitation forms due to orographic uplift. Most rivers have either the Altay regime or
the East Siberian regime (e.g., the Yenisey) distinguished by high water levels between
spring (when the maximum is reached) and autumn, and extremely low discharges in winter.
The summer monsoon reaches the eastern part of the Eastern Sayan and its rivers (e.g., the
Oka and the Uda) have the Far East regime with a high discharge in summer. River regimes
are discussed above and hydrographs are shown in Figure 5.6.
Soils and Biota
Vertical zonality is well expressed in the distribution of soils and vegetation in the
Sayans. Although topographic and climatic variability create differing vertical sequences,
all are dominated by taiga vegetation.
In the Western Sayan, there is a considerable difference between the altitudinal
sequences of the northern and southern macroslopes. In the north as well as in the west of
the Eastern Sayan (including the southern slope of the Mansky Ridge and the Kizir-Kazyr
watershed), where the climate is relatively mild and humid, the vertical sequence is
similar to that of the north-eastern Altay (Figures 14.5 and 14.7).
Fig. 14.5 Vertical vegetation sequences in the Altay. Modified from
Ogureeva (1980)
In the forest-steppe belt, which develops in the foothills, woodlands are composed of
Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Finns sylvestris, and Lam sibirica and intermingle with
herbaceous and steppified meadows. Chestnut soils predominate. In contrast to the lowland
steppes of Western Siberia, soils contain a large amount of rocks and outcrops of bedrock'
occur frequently. There is also a difference in species composition of steppes: eastern
and mountain-steppe species (e.g., Leontopodium sibiricum) occur, while many species
common on the West Siberian lowland (e.g., Filipendula hexapetala) are absent. In regions
with drier climates (e.g., in northern Khakassia, the lower course of the Great Abakan),
feather-grass steppe communities develop in the foothills. The most prominent feature of
the northern Western-western Eastern Sayans sequence is the large extent of the dark taiga
belt. This is composed mainly of Pinus sibirica and Abies sibirica with an admixture of
Larix sibirica in the upper regions. Picea obovata is another important tree species,
especially in river valleys. However, there are many different varieties of dark
coniferous forests. The lower part of the forest belt has been substantially modified by
human activity. In many areas taiga has been replaced by secondary Betula-Populus tremula
forests. Patches of pristine taiga survive only locally. Humic eluvial soils develop under
the dark taiga. The relatively high amount of precipitation, received by the western
sector of the massif, enhances slope drainage. The lateral movement of soil solutions
accelerates the leaching of the upper-slope soils and enriches soils down the slope. This
limits podzolization. The high mountainous zone is represented by floristically rich
subalpine and alpine meadows and mountainous tundra communities.
The very dry Minusinsk and Chulym-Yeniseisk depressions have a specific vertical
sequence different from most of the northern Western Sayan (Figure 14.7).
Fig. 14.7 Vertical vegetation sequences in the Sayans. Data from
Gorbachev (1978); Ogureeva (1982, 1999a)
It is distinguished by the development of feather-grass steppe on chestnut soils,
passing into forest-steppe. Both belts have a large extent which may only be compared with
the central Altay.
The southern macroslope of the Western Sayan, which faces the Khemchinsk and Tuva
depressions, receives more insolation and is much drier. This sequence begins with the
steppe (which is intensively cultivated at present) developing on chernozem and in drier
regions on southern chernozem and chestnut soils. The steppe zone is succeeded by a narrow
belt of Betula-Larix sibirica forest-steppe. In the region of the Alashar plateau, the
steppe zone attains an altitude of 1200-1900 m. The forest belt is represented mainly by
Larix sibirica forests with well-developed undergrowth and the herbaceous cover enriched
by steppe species. The dark taiga is confined to the upper part of the zone, being higher
than on the northern macroslope.
The highly variable topography of the Eastern Sayan results in a complicated vertical
zonality which changes from west to east. Gorbachev (1978) and Ogureeva (1982, 1999a)
distinguish three sectors: western, northeastern, and south-eastern. In the north-eastern
part, which has a more continental climate than the western sector, forests composed of
Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica with a rich herbaceous cover occupy the lower
mountains. Forests composed either of Pinus sibirica or of Abies sibirica have the most
prominent position extending across the middle mountains. On the border between the
forest-steppe and forest zones, natural vegetation has been modified significantly. Much
of the forest has been cut and transformed into grazing and hay fields. Secondary birch
forests occur widely and many steppe species are found in open spaces. In the 1950s and
the 1960s, the Pinus sibirica forests in the Eastern Sayan were extensively damaged by the
pine silkworm and large areas of forest were completely destroyed. The upper part of the
mountains is occupied by subalpine meadows, where thickets of shrubs (Salix spp., Betula
rotundifolia, Rhododendron parvifolium, and Alnus fruticosa) are widespread, and alpine
meadows passing into mountainous tundra (Malyshev, 1965).
In the south-eastern part (the Great Sayan Ridge, Okinsk plateau and in the side ridges
of the Yergik-Targok-Taiga), where the climate is dry and annual temperatures are
negative, the altitudinal vegetation sequence begins with steppes which extend to 700-900
m and locally 1300 m (Ogureeva, 1982). The steppe flora has many Mongolian species and
locally acquires a typical Mongolian composition. In contrast to the other regions, azonal
steppe vegetation on dark chestnut and chernozem soils develops on terraces, especially on
south-facing slopes. Larix sibirica forests dominate up to an altitude of 1200-1600 m and
locally Pinus sylvestris groves develop. In the herbaceous cover, steppe plants occur in
addition to the usual forest species. Only in the upper part of the zone, is precipitation
sufficient to support Pinus sibirica, which forms the timber line. In contrast to the dry
south-facing slopes, forests on the northern slopes are often swamped, especially at
higher altitudes. Humic eluvial soils dominate in the forest zone while podzolic soils are
typical of the northern slopes and gley soils develop in the areas of permafrost
occurrence. The development of subalpine and alpine meadows is very limited; they are
fragmented and do not form a continuous belt. The upper mountains are occupied by heath
and lichen tundra communities.
The fauna of the Sayan mountains includes over 70 mammal and about 250 bird species,
most of which are typical of the taiga biome.
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