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Physical Geography of Northern Eurasia
Tectonics and Geology of Northern Eurasia
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Non-renewable Resources of Northern Eurasia
Northern Eurasia is extremely rich in natural resources. Within its limits, fuel,
minerals, as well as ore and non-metallic resources are mined (Khain et al, 1991).
Oil and Gas
Oil- and gas-bearing fields on the East European platform are widespread on the
Volga-Urals anticline, where the first oil was extracted in 1929. The most important oil-
and gas-bearing levels are the sandy-clayey sediments of the middle and, especially, upper
Devonian. The productive levels are found at depths of 1.5-2 km and the greater part of
the deposit is related to the arches of the gently sloping platform folds. Oil- and
gas-bearing fields have long been known within the rift structures of the lower Permian,
whereas gas fields are known within the Carboniferous deposits (Gabrielyants, 1991). The
Pripyat rift has oil- and gas-bearing fields, related to the upper Devonian sediments,
whereas within the Dnieper-Donetsk rift they are developed along the whole sequence,
beginning with the Carboniferous and ending with the Jurassic. Within the Caspian basin up
to twenty oil- and gas-bearing levels occur in the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and
Cretaceous deposits. Within the limits of the Timan-Pechora Plate there are over thirty
deposits of oil, gas, and gas condensates, related to the middle and upper Devonian and
Carboniferous. Industrial oil-bearing levels are recognized within the Silurian and
Permian sediments (Geodinamika, 1993).
The greatest oil- and gas-bearing area of Northern Eurasia is the West Siberian
Epi-Paleozoic Plate, where the first industrial oil was extracted in 1959. Since then,
numerous oil and gas deposits have been found, related to the Mesozoic terrigenous
deposits of the cover. The major oil deposits are related to the upper and middle Jurassic
as well as to the lower part of the lower Cretaceous (Neftegazonosnie kompleksy, 1988).
The largest oil deposits are associated with the Cretaceous in the Surgut and
Nizhnevartovsk regions. Gas deposits are largely associated with the Nadym-Tazovsk
syncline on the northern part of the plate, within which they are connected with the
sandstone beds within the clayey series of the upper Cretaceous (Perrodon, 1985).
As far as the Siberian platform is concerned only small oil deposits are known,
associated with the Vendian and lower Cambrian carbonate sediments. In the Vilyuy syncline
extensive gas and gas condensate deposits have been found, related to the sandy-clayey
Jurassic sediments (Bakirov, 1979).
The Skythian Epi-Paleozoic Plate, within the limits of the Crimean plain and Northern
Caucasus, contains a number of oil and gas deposits. In the west of the Crimea small
deposits are concentrated within the carbonate rocks of the Pliocene, whereas gas deposits
in the north are related to the Oligocene-lower Miocene sandstones. Gas and gas condensate
deposits in the western Cis-Caucasus are associated with sandstones of the upper part of
the lower Cretaceous as they also are in the north of the plate within the
Donetsk-Promyslovsky region. Oil deposits of the eastern part of the Cis-Caucasus are
associated with deposits of the middle and upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous. The gas
deposits of the Stavropol area are found within the sediments of the Maikop series
(Oligocene-lower Miocene). South of the Skythian Plate oil and, rarely, gas deposits are
found within the West Kuban and Terek-Caspian foredeeps, where they are associated with
the sandy and carbonate sequences of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. These deposits are
connected with the narrow anticlinal folds within the inner zones of the foredeeps. In the
east of the Terek-Caspian oil basin, deposits are located in the littoral zone of the
Caspian Sea. In these regions the major productive level is represented by limestones of
the upper Cretaceous and sandstones of the middle and lower Miocene (Perrodon, 1985).
Numerous oil- and gas-bearing fields, the main productive level of which is the middle
Pliocene sandy sequence, are located in the Kura intermountain basin and at the extreme
east of the Greater Caucasus on the Apsheron peninsula and the adjoining Caspian shelf.
Oil deposits are traced to the boundaries of western Turkmenistan, to the east of the
Apsheron peninsula, where they are associated with the red-coloured sequence of the upper
Pliocene. In the southern part of the Turanian Plate, belonging to the Mediterranean belt,
over seventy gas and gas condensate deposits, among which there are large ones, are
associated with the sandy rocks of the middle Jurassic and Cretaceous as well as to the
carbonate sequences of the upper Jurassic. Within the Manghyshlak peninsula there are oil
deposits, whose productive levels are middle Jurassic sandstones.
The north-eastern part of the Pacific belt, within the limits of Northern Eurasia,
contains gas condensate deposits within the outer zone of the Cis-Verkhoyansk edge basin.
Oil and gas deposits are known in the northern Sakhalin and the shelf, where they are
associated with the middle Miocene and middle Pliocene sandy-clayey sediments.
Northern Eurasia contains very extensive coal deposits. The oldest region of coal
mining in the East European platform is the Donetsk basin (Donbass), where numerous layers
of high quality coal are found within the summits of the lower, middle and upper
Carboniferous. In the lower Carboniferous, extensive coal deposits are recognized in the
Lvov-Volyn basin in the west of the platform.
In the north of the Cis-Urals foredeep, in the region of Vorkuta in the European
north-east, the extensive deposits of coal are related to the Permian sediments. While the
numerous coal deposits are spread along the whole fold structure of the Urals, in the
south the coal deposits are connected with the Triassic sediments, deposited in the
The largest coal deposits in the world are recognized within the Siberian platform,
related to Paleozoic and Cenozoic rocks. The major coal deposits in the Tungus syncline
belong to the middle Carboniferous-Permian. The Lena coal basin, in which the Jurassic and
Cretaceous sediments are coal-bearing, is related to the Cis-Verkhoyansk edge basin and
partially to the Vilyuy syncline. The South Yakutian coal basin is located on the Aldan
shield of the Siberian platform in the Chulyman and Takin basins, within which numerous
layers of coal are found in Jurassic continental sediments. The Irkutsk coal basin is
associated with the Irkutsk basin, while that of the Kansk-Achinsk is associated with the
Kansk basin. Both are located in the south-west of the Siberian platform and contain thick
layers of coal in Jurassic sediments. In the lower reaches of the Amur river coal deposits
exist in the Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene continental deposits, forming juxtaposed
basins. Major coal deposits are related to lower Cretaceous sediment, with a thickness of
up to 5 km in Zyryansk basin in the north-east of Russia. About one hundred coal layers
are recognized within this sequence. On the island of Sakhalin the industrial coal-bearing
strata are mainly related to the middle Miocene littoral-marine sediments.
Metal Ores and Diamonds
Northern Eurasia has a rich range of ore deposits. The Kursk metamorphogenous iron ore
basin on the south-western slope of Voronezh anticline of the East European platform is
one of the largest basins in the world for ore reserves. The main deposits are associated
with the lower Proterozoic iron quartzite and weathering crust. Similar types of deposits
are developed on the Ukrainian shield in the Krivoy Rog basin and on the Kola peninsula on
the Baltic shield. Within these regions magmatic iron ore deposits are found. On the
Siberian platform, iron ores are extensive in the southern part. The most important are
the magnetite ores in the Irkutsk area, which formed along the contacts of the trap
intrusives and Silurian sediments. In the Altay-Sayan area, iron ore deposits are related
to the Caledonian granites and serve as a basis for the metallurgy of the whole of Western
Siberia. More than a hundred varied iron ore deposits are concentrated in the Urals and of
prime importance are the sedimentary siderite and magnetite ores within the Riphean
sequences and the skarn deposits near Magnitogorsk. Iron ore deposits in Kazakhstan are
associated with the Precambrian iron quartzites, skarns, and volcanogenic series.
Copper and nickel deposits are widespread on the Kola peninsula, where sulphide ores
are associated with the lower Proterozoic basic and ultrabasic intrusions. An extremely
large copper-nickel sulphide deposit is located on the Taymyr peninsula near Norilsk, in
the north-west of the Siberian platform. Copper deposits of hydrothermal type are
developed in Kounrad and Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. In the Urals, within the limits of the
copper-bearing belt, stretching for 1000 km, hundreds of copper-pyrite deposits occur,
mainly related to Devonian volcanites. Important deposits of nickel and cobalt occur in
the southern Urals, where they are found within the weathering crust of ultrabasites.
Bauxite layer deposits (aluminium) are concentrated on the eastern slope of the Urals and
are associated with the lower and middle Devonian carbonate rocks. On the Siberian
platform bauxites in the Cretaceous-Paleogene weathering crust are developed within the
limits of the Yenisey Ridge.
On the Siberian platform there are about 200 kimberlite pipes, where diamonds are
found. The first diamond-bearing pipe 'Zarnitsa' was opened in 1954. Three main phases of
kimberlite pipes are established: Carboniferous, middle and late Triassic, and early
Cretaceous. Diamond-bearing pipes are now known to occur on the East European platform,
near the White Sea, in the region of Arkhangelsk.
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