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Environmental problems of Northern Eurasia
The Aral Sea
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Environmental Problems in Irrigated Areas
The knock-on effects of increased water withdrawals are not the only irrigation-related
forms of environmental degradation in the Aral Sea basin. The irrigated cropland itself
has been subject to problems of salinization and waterlogging due to poor water
management, with consequent negative effects on crop yields. Problems are caused by the
wasteful use of water: by applying more than can be taken up by plants, through leakage
from improperly lined drainage canals, and as a consequence of inadequate drainage. The
salt tolerance of most cultivated plants is relatively low, so salinization rapidly leads
to declines in productivity.
The proportion of cropland adversely affected by salt problems is greater than 60 per
cent in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and the situation is particularly
critical in the latter two countries where around 90 per cent of all cropland is irrigated
(Table 22.6). One estimate of the effect on the agricultural economy suggests that soil
salinization reduces crop production in Uzbekistan by as much as 30 per cent (Khakimov,
1989). The quality of cotton grown has also been adversely affected by the high salt
content of the soil and irrigation water.
Table 22.6 Salinization of irrigated cropland
In an assessment of land degradation problems in Turkmenistan, O'Hara (1997b) reported
that the salt content of the top metre of soil on Turkmen irrigated areas increased
markedly over the period 1987-92 and that the area suffering from strong to very strong
salinities increased by nearly 80 000 ha, accounting for more than 15 per cent of the
total agricultural land in 1992. Over the same period, the area of non-saline soils
decreased from 10.5 per cent to 4.7 per cent of the total area cultivated. Much of the
country's irrigated area has also experienced waterlogging problems. Ground water levels
have risen over the same period, so that in 1992 just over half the irrigated area had
levels less than 2 metres below the surface. The efficiency of water use and irrigation in
Turkmenistan is particularly poor. The Karakum canal is especially prone to seepage and
just 15 per cent of the country's irrigation network is lined. Overall, combined water
losses from conveyance and in-field systems is thought to be about 12.4 km3,
almost half the total volume of water used.
Other measures of efficiency have also shown that Central Asian agriculture has been
very wasteful in recent decades. In terms of productivity per agricultural worker, Lerman
et al. (1996) showed that productivity in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and
Uzbekistan was 20-30 per cent below the average for the USSR as a whole over the period
1965-90. The low efficiency on Uzbek cotton plantations was highlighted in the same study.
In comparison with cotton cultivation in seven other countries, water applications per
hectare were shown to be greatest in Uzbekistan and fertilizer use only exceeded in Egypt.
However, the weight of cotton lint produced per unit of water applied in Uzbekistan was
more than three times lower than that achieved in Australia, and Uzbekistan also came
bottom of the comparative table in terms of the weight of cotton lint produced per unit of
fertilizer applied.
The large amounts of fertilizers used on irrigated cropland, and similarly high levels
of pesticide applications, have been a response to the need to increase crop yields and
maintain them in the face of declines due to salinization and waterlogging. In 1985,
fertilizer use in the Aral Sea basin exceeded the average used in Russia by 10-15 times,
and the amounts of herbicides, defoliants, and other pesticides applied was more than ten
times the average for the former Soviet Union (FSU) as a whole (Glazovsky, 1995b).
Nonetheless, the yields of six major crops on irrigated plantations in Uzbekistan were all
lower in the early 1990s than they had been in 1980 (Lerman et al, 1996). Yield declines
for rice and corn over this period were both greater than one third.
Large applications of agrochemicals and increasing levels of salinization on irrigated
croplands have meant that drainage water from the agricultural plantations is
characterized by high salinity and is contaminated by high concentrations of fertilizer
and pesticide residues. These contaminants have given rise to a number of other
environmental issues in the Aral Sea basin. The declining quality of surface and ground
water caused by agrochemical residues has been linked to a range of human health problems
in the region as pollutants have entered the food chain via the soil and atmosphere, as
well as through the water supply. A sharp increase in oesophageal cancers, high rates of
congenital deformities, impaired immune function, chronic gastritis, cardiovascular
disease, outbreaks of viral hepatitis, and a life expectancy in some areas of about 20
years less than for the FSU as a whole have been cited for Central Asian regions of cotton
monoculture (Downing, 1995).
Several other factors contribute to the poor health situation in the region, including
inadequate nutrition, poor sanitation, pollution from industries, and the post-Soviet
collapse of the health care system, but the importance of agrochemical residues is not in
doubt. In one study of children in Kazakhstan (Jensen et al., 1997), blood levels of the
pesticide hexachlorocyclo-hexane (HCH) were found to be very high and the levels of DDT
compounds were up to 20 times greater than those in healthy Swedish children.
High levels of agriculturally derived pollution also characterize several new lakes
that have been formed from drainage water discharge (Glazovsky, 1995&). Water from
irrigation schemes on the left bank of the Amudarya began to fill the Sarykamysh
depression, to the west of Nukus on the edge of the Ustyurt plateau, in the early 1960s.
At this time, the new Sarykamysh Lake had a salt content of 3-4 g l-1, but by
the late 1980s it had reached 12-13 g l-1. Similarly high salt levels have been
recorded in Arnasai Lake, about 100 km west of Tashkent, formed by diversion of drainage
water from the left bank of the middle Syrdarya. It had been hoped that these lakes would
provide a new fisheries industry to offset partially that lost from the receding Aral, but
their fish have proved to be inedibe due to high levels of pesticides. Some of the new
drainage sink lakes and irrigation reservoirs have, however, provided new habitats for
migrating waterfowl displaced from the shores of the Aral. Letolle and Mainguet (1993)
list six such reservoirs and drainage sinks with capacities of 1 km3 and more,
associated with the Syrdarya and five associated with the Amudarya.
Rising levels of saline ground water in agricultural areas have also caused new
environmental hazards outside irrigation zones. The foundations of buildings have been
flooded in some areas and capillary rise of salts has resulted in damage to walls and
ancient monuments. Field investigations by Akiner et al. (1992) in Khiva and Bukhara found
some of the world's finest examples of Islamic architecture to be suffering severe damage
to stone, brick, and ceramic tiles due to salt attack from rising levels of aggressive
ground water. Much of the rise in ground water levels is likely to be of recent origin,
concomitant with the post-1950s expansion of irrigation, and the speed of deterioration by
salt weathering was well illustrated in the Ulughbeg madrassa in Bukhara. Salt
efflorescence, break-up of bricks, and extrusion of mortar were all evident on parts of
the building that had been restored in 1980, just 11 years before Akiner et al.'s
fleldwork. Elsewhere in Uzbekistan, Aimbetov and Seitniyazov (1994) have noted similar
effects due to the rise of saline ground water levels in the city of Nukus where salt
attack has caused serious structural problems in a number of modern buildings.
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